Posts in collection posts - page 4 of 9

October 20, 2019

Okura is back

Okura is back

Okura main wing and lobby before it was demolished in 2015. Seems that - at least for the lobby – there will be second chances.

August 13, 2019

Our Tokyo Guide

Our Tokyo Guide

Tokyo always comes in two versions: A real-world city, and one that lives in our imagination. From the slightly surreal world of Lost in Translation and the fluorescent-lit nightscape of Murakami’s After Dark to the cyberpunk Neo-Tokyo of Akira it is as much a nexus of global pop culture as the epicenter of Japan. We will take you on a tour – our tour – of Tokyo and show you our version.

May 28, 2019

Toyoko Inn and Business Hotels

Toyoko Inn and Business Hotels

Despite many new options, the Toyoko Inn chain – and other “business hotels” – are still a “go-to” place when we’re looking for hotels in Japan.

May 21, 2019

Airbnb in Japan

Airbnb in Japan

For us, Airbnb was always a great way to stay in Japan. Then, in 2018, new legislation shook up the platform and thousands of bookings got cancelled. Is it still worth it?
